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100,000 children and new merchandise!

Just a massive thank you to everyone who has helped us reach the target of visiting 100,000 children before the end of this year.  When I was handed the target, I have to be honest I thought it would be difficult, but thanks to all your passion and commitment we did it.  Thanks again, and hopefully I will have some more information to share on this achievement soon!!

A decision was made recently by the TACS steering group to change the merchandise that we leave with schools after our visits.  The decision was made to no longer offer the reflectors and rulers.  Instead, we will be handing out the attached TACS wristbands, see attached picture.   Some of you may already have received some in your recent orders.  We will continue to offer the pencils as well.

The decision was made on a cost basis, as engagement in the programme continues to grow, you are visiting more and more children each year.  The new merchandise we offer will allow us to continue to visit the numbers we do without eating into the programme’s budget.

Please can I ask that the next time you order any merchandise you order an extra wristband or take one from any surplus you have after your demonstrations as you will need one to take with you

to your teacher meetings.  I have attached a copy of the TACS order form, which I’ve updated to reflect the changes.  Please use this going forward.