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Health & Safety

Are we insured to carry out TACS demonstrations?

The Foundation carries full insurance for you to carry out TACS demonstrations, to a limit of £5 million. You can download a copy of the certificate below.

The insurance is only valid if you follow the TACS guidelines; which means that we are not insured to allow ALL the children into the cab and we are not insured to use separate steps to the cab; when allowing the necessary children into the cab you must ensure they use the fitted three points of contact. No child is allowed in the back of the vehicle.

If you do not follow the programmes guidelines, your insurance could be invalid and you may be personally liable for any damage caused. You have been warned!

If a teacher asks to drive the HGV, can I let them have a go?

Just say no! Sorry, but this would invalidate our insurance.

Must I use the risk assessment tool before all demonstrations?

Yes. You must carry out a risk assessment before agreeing to any demonstration. If you do not, the insurance will be invalid and you could be personally liable for any damages.

The risk assessment tool takes a pragmatic view we hope, balancing the need to be detailed in assessing risks, but still practical and easy to use. We need to ensure adults, children and property are protected at all demonstrations – including you, of course!

Can I use an alternative venue if the school premises are not suitable?

We understand that some school premises simply are not suitable for a large vehicle. If there is a suitable venue nearby, then please consider its use. In the past TACS demonstrations have been successfully carried out in supermarket, pub and village hall car parks, so do look for alternatives.

The same rules apply as a school; you must carry out a risk assessment of the new venue.

Once completed you need to obtain a joint agreement (in writing) from the school and your own site manager/health and safety representative before agreeing to carry out a demonstration, which must be signed off by your relevant contact at the venue.


We hope you have found the answer you were looking for, but if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with the TACS team who will be  delighted to help you (talking.tacs@dhl.com or call 0844 875 3031).